Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving In For The Kill

How I Almost Lost Our Reception Site

So. Where were we? Ah yes.

The rustic Country Pines had been eliminated due to heat and bug concerns.

The affordable but generic HiMark was nixed due to an ugly ceiling and a lack of ambience. (Doesn't K look giant in there? Yeah, 6'3 is tall but he looks crazy tall in there!)

The charming, Spanish-style (in Nebraska, no less) Hillcrest it is!

After dragging both K and sister Joyce to sneak a peek at Hillcrest and get their opinions, all we had to do was send in the deposit to save the date. Which is why it's totally embarassing to admit that we had decided on Hillcrest around the 20th of June and I didn't call about sending in the deposit until July 9th.

So I called around 10 am to double check they had the date open and the best way to send in the deposit (have K drive over after work and do it in person? or mail a check?). I put on my best professional voice and prepared to make our first big commitment to wedding planning.

*ring ring* Hi, yes, I'd like to book Hillcrest for a wedding on August 7, 2010...The wedding coordinator doesn't come in till 11:15? Ok, I can call back. Could you double check that the date is still open please?....Someone is already penciled in?!...Is it possible my future mother-in-law penciled us in? Would you mind telling me the last name?...Oh. No. That's not us...I'll call back. Thanks.

NOOOOOO! After a year of being engaged, worrying about how to afford a wedding, touring a million sites, waffling over what to choose and someone else is penciled in on MY date at MY reception site?! Oh nuh uh!

I'll be honest, at this point I was a nervous wreck. It's a good thing it was a quiet day at work, because I was a ball of self-loathing anxiety. I spent the next 45 minutes on gchat sending panicky messages talking to Joyce--How could I be so lax about booking such an important thing? What if we didn't get Hillcrest?! My heart was set on it now! Why didn't the world revolve around my wishes to have the reception at Hillcrest?!?! WAAAAH!

There was a lot of whining on my end and a lot of reassuring and efforts at distraction on Joyce's end. I'm kinda embarassed about how pathetic I was acting. I was all keyed up like I was on a bad caffeine high. But finally it was 11:15 and I simply couldn't wait any longer to call the wedding coord. at Hillcrest.

The wedding coord., Kim, was very nice and said that yes, someone was penciled in, but they had been penciled in for weeks now and that she would call them immediately and ask them to reserve the date for real or release it so I could book it, and she would call me back as soon as she heard. I thanked her and got ready to spend the rest of my day distracted and anxious. She literally called me back in less than 10 minutes to say that the other couple had released the date! Victory in our time!

Filled with the sweet feeling of relief, I gchatted Joyce with the good news, left a message on K's phone so he could take a check over after work and put our names down in indelible ink for the date, and proceeded to go home for a comfort lunch of Mexican casserole and a coke. Which after all that anxiety, I felt I deserved. ^_^

So we finally have one big decision made for our wedding. Next major task: booking the photographer.


Anonymously Yours said...

Dude, that's the first time I've seen the HiMark photo with K in situ. (I feel so awkward just saying "K"!) I'm so glad HiMark got the kibosh; K is totes gargantuan there.

Anyways, I told you everything would turn out okay. ^_^

Jenny said...

Dude, I know. I think it's just a perspective trick (well, duh ^_^) but it's totes creepy.

(I agree on the K thing--I have to reread and delete in every post :P)